Grow With Soul Ep.18: Side-Hustling, Balance and Believing In Your Work with Supal Desai

In this episode I’m talking to political risk strategist and blogger Supal Desai. Born and raised in America, Supal decided to make the jump to living in the UK while studying for a Masters in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews.She has enjoyed a diverse career, spanning from working in intelligence, to now owning her own consultancy specialising in luxury brand strategy. The motivation to take the leap from working in government to running her own brand consulting and blog was fuelled by her love of creativity and fashion.I met Supal on the photowalk she led for Blogtacular this year and was so impressed by her life and story, how generous she is with her knowledge and how she is living her life without compromise. I wanted to get her on to talk about embracing this working set up, balancing everything she’s doing, taking opportunities and believing intensely in your work. There’s a great mix of practical and conceptual takeaways from this and I hope you really enjoy it.

Here's what we talk about in this episode:

  • Supal's story of making the life she wanted

  • How your side hustle helps your main hustle, and vice versa

  • Scheduling for balance

  • Working efficiently, not hard

  • Prioritising and creating the time

  • Tips for pitching to brands or bloggers

  • The importance of customer experience

  • Not worrying about numbers and believing in your work

  • Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can

Links and resources we discuss:

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