There comes a time when you can’t not do Your Thing any longer. It becomes too important, or rather, the discomfort of not doing it outweighs the discomfort of doing it. You want, you need, to do Your Thing. But how?

Do Your Thing is a package of templates, worksheets, pep talks and prompts to help you start, continue and finish Your Thing. Whether you have a business or not, Do Your Thing is a structure to help you take the Thing in your head that’s been nagging you and bring it into existence. In spite of the fear, the what if’s, the am-I-good-enough’s - you’re finally going to Do Your Thing.

The sorts of things Do Your Thing might help you do:

  • Finish your manuscript

  • Begin a new art project

  • Create a course, package or product

  • Get your business going

  • See through a product launch

  • Plan a life change

  • Relaunch an old offering

Get organised, make time, get started, stay the course, launch and celebrate. Your Thing wants to be made real, and here’s how you can do it. Do Your Thing takes you through three parts:

Start Your Thing

  • Fall in love with Your Thing

  • What’s the problem?

  • Clear time and space

  • Project plan

  • The smallest start

Continue Your Thing

  • Stay in love with Your Thing

  • Minimum viable product

  • Routine

  • Balance

  • Reassess

Finish Your Thing

  • Disconnect from the result

  • Deadlines

  • Imperfection

  • Launch

  • Celebration

You may wish someone would just tell you what to do but that’s not actually what you need. You already know exactly what to do - because this is Your Thing. What you need is the shape of doing: knowing the place to start, how to keep going and when it’s time to say “enough”.

Do Your Thing is a no-frills no-fuss container to getting it done. There are no extras or bonuses, distractions or pages to read. It is a springboard and guide to you getting exactly what needs to happen, happening.

Start Doing Your Thing

Take as much time as you need. Your Thing might take three weeks or three years, either way this structure will guide you so you keep going instead of stopping because you don’t know what to do next.
£75 (or 2x £38)