Grow With Soul: Episode 148 - Taking Enjoyment Seriously with Sasha Glasgow

Today I am catching up with Sasha to talk about our work in life as we enter the summer season. We talk a lot about the difference between having a hobby business and side hustle, and why that’s not a bad thing, taking enjoyment seriously, monetising, freeing up the pressure and finally finally ditching the Instagram rules. We also talk about Sasha’s summer of fun, and the commitment to be here enjoying life. This is the last episode for a couple of weeks as I take a break for August, but we will be back in September.

Before launching into the episode, I have opened up a more affordable way to join The Cabin for those who want to immerse into the content without the pressure of 121 support. You can now join The Cabin at a reduced rate without 121 support included - you get access to the membership site and resources, the monthly content and can ask questions in the monthly Q&As there’s just no 121 time with me (unless you want to add it later). You have two weeks left to join The Cabin and it won’t reopen again until September 2023, so head to to learn more and start making your life worth living.

What I talk about in this episode:

Pin for later:


Grow With Soul: Episode 149 - A Beautiful & Replicable Creative Process


Grow With Soul: Episode 147 - Presence, Devotion, Ritual, Effort