Kits & Classes

The Kits and Classes are designed to give you a burst of inspiration or a leg up when you need it. Honing in on particular subjects to themes, they have practical lessons and exercises to help you broaden your understanding.

The Kits are reflective and practical workbooks of prompts to aid your introspection and thinking, while the classes combine a video lesson with an exercise workbook to get you developing your skills and going that little bit further. My hope is that you can curl up with any them for a glorious afternoon and create your own a-ha moments from what you find inside.

Purpose is the key to creating a meaningful business, to giving you clarity about what to do and where to go, and to helping all of your marketing efforts flow from a single, truthful place. This Kit explores the theory of purpose and helps you to discover yours.

Choosing where to start with your marketing is impossible if you don’t know what you want your marketing to do - where you want to go and why. This super practical Kit is your guide to creating a goal-focused marketing plan.

Experience more creativity and connection in your business by telling your stories. Mixing content theory and practical prompts, Story Class is a toolbox against creative block to get you creating and telling your stories - authentically, creatively, confidently.